Images for Acting

Your Response To An Image - for BA (Hons) Acting first-round auditions

In response to one of the images provided below, you are asked to create a video using movement, text (either existing or self-written), song or a combination.

When we look at an image or hear a piece of text we have a response to it. This is an opportunity for you to let us know about the kind of artist you are. What are your initial reactions to this source material? What does the image make you think about? How does it make you feel? What does it make you want to create?

In this piece, the panel are looking for your honest response to the image provided. Be brave. Use your imagination. Don’t try to show us what you think we want to see – use this opportunity to create something you believe in.

Response to Image 1

image for acting audition

Response to Image 2

image for acting audition 2