Update from Sean McNamara

Welcome to the GSA Green Room!

We are all living in uncertain times where feelings of isolation and detachment are currently amplified. The health and wellbeing of our students and our colleagues is of vital importance and it is essential that we remain connected and united as a community of artists, practitioners and creatives.

Looking ahead, I believe we have to move the narrative away from one of crisis and instead focus upon the opportunities that the current situation presents us with as we navigate our way through this age defining era. Covid-19 will most likely leave a profound legacy upon our society and our culture and it is an opportunity for us to be pioneers for a new creative era as we embark upon shaping that future and not be shaped by it.

The GSA Green Room is part of that future. Whilst our campus and venues remain closed, our innovative teaching, creativity in performance and our bonds as a community remain very much connected. To facilitate and forge closer connections the GSA Green Room is being launched to provide a virtual platform to connect all students, staff, alumni, prospective students and our audiences to inform, to inspire and to entertain.

To the GSA Family of the present, the past and the future, and to our friends in the community and the creative industries, you are all most welcome.

Stay safe, stay well, stay connected.

Thank you!


Professor Sean McNamara FRSA

Head of Guildford School of Acting