By Mike Bartlett



A virtual welcome to the Guildford School of Acting for this recorded-live production of Bull by Mike Bartlett.

Bull is a 50-minute empathy test. This is a play about bullying; where we draw the line and how far our tolerance stretches. This is survival. We no longer inhabit caves and hunt wildebeest. Instead, we navigate a harsh corporate climate fuelled by financial targets and competing deadlines. Psychologically, it is the same mechanism. Basic human dignity is on the chopping block. Has modern capitalism cultivated a social dynamic more threatening than nature’s worst efforts? Who is left fending for themselves in this new game of survival-of-the-fittest?

Since March 2020, 813,000 payroll jobs have disappeared. 2.2 million people could lose work by the end of 2021. For those who held tight, our global circumstance turned homes into workplaces where professional and personal life dangerously overlap. Right now, the stakes seem higher than ever for the three employees at the heart of Bull.

Take a ringside seat. The fight is about to begin.

Louis Emmitt-Stern


Suitable for ages 14+. Contains strong language, violence and reference to child sexual abuse.

This production has been rehearsed and performed in Covid-safe conditions and according to Covid-secure regulations.

This recorded live production features the final year students of the BA Theatre and Performance programme in collaboration with students on the BA Theatre Production programme, by special arrangement with Nick Hern Books

License granted by Nick Hern Books


Cast List

Thomas: Tom Baker

Isobel: Chloe Bradbury

Tony: Luke Bromley

Carter: Kirsty Dymond



Creative Team

Director: Louis Emmitt-Stern

Technical Team

Production Manager: Jordan Harris
Assistant Production Manager: Reese Marchant
Stage Manager: Deena Mavji
Deputy Stage Manager: Noa Rees
Assistant Stage Manager: Sara Benamri, Sophie Christophides, Bethany Pitts
Wardrobe Supervisor: Anett Black
Scenic Arts Supervisor: Roger Ness
Venue Technician: Josh Palmer
Production Electrician: Jessica Caira
Lighting Programmer: Al Tombs
Lighting Operator: Teague Selmon
Sound Operator: Tom Snape
Videographer: Tom Mann
Filmed by: Animus Inc
Head of Company: Anna McNamara
Head of Theatre: Darren Tunstall
Programme Leader BA Theatre and Performance: Matthew Wagner