At GSA we are committed to providing an inclusive and equitable training environment that reflects the diverse range of intersectional identities across society.

Led by the Head of School in collaboration with staff and students, our Equality Action Plan and our Athena SWAN Action Plan outline our strategies for creating a learning culture that fosters racial equity and inclusive approaches to all genders, all abilities, and people who belong to one or more other protected Characteristic, under Equality law. These action plans relate directly to the work the wider university is doing for the Advance Higher Education Race Equality Charter and the Athena Awan Charter.

Our commitments focus on:

  • Ensuring that LGBTQIA+ students and staff do not face any kind of discriminatory behaviours at GSA
  • Embracing neurodiversity and disability, working with the university Disability and Neurodiversity team to support the individual needs of students and staff
  • Mental health and wellbeing, with a number of our staff being qualified Mental Health First Aiders. This means staff have learned how to spot the symptoms of mental health issues, offer initial help and guide a person towards support.

We recognise the work of equality, diversity and inclusivity as an ongoing process of listening, learning and making a life-long commitment to improving access to, and experience of, our training and education for all people.

Equality Action Planning

The GSA Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee oversee action planning related to equality, access and inclusion, which includes monitoring the Athena Swan Action Plan. The Athena Swan Charter is a framework used across the globe to support and transform gender equality within higher education (HE) and research. GSA EDI committee reports to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences EDI committee.

The GSA EDI Student Forum meets regularly to discuss issues and experiences around training and education. EDI student reps are members of the GSA EDI committee.


  • Staff undertake training in Race Equity, Anti-racist practices, Unconscious Bias, Equality & Diversity, Trans and non-binary awareness, LGBTQIA+ Awareness and other training in inclusive learning and teaching.
  • All freelance and Associate staff are invited to complete the Introduction to Race Equity training and unconscious bias training.
  • Students to participate in sessions on equality, diversity and inclusion as part of GSA student Welcome Week and the University of Surrey Students Union.
  • Developing Pedagogy: staff are encouraged and supported in acquiring further understanding of pedagogical approaches and strategies that are inclusive, supporting the development of cultural intelligence, equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • Decolonising the curriculum: Curriculum content and pedagogy reviewed across all programmes in consultation with the GSA EDI Manager, the university Equality & Diversity advisors and Academic Developers for Inclusive Education.
  • Diverse Representation among the staff: we are actively and continuously engaged in cultivating a more diverse staff group including permanent and visiting teachers, practitioners, freelance creatives and audition panellists.



  • Head of School
  • EDI Manager
  • Staff Equality-Related Champions (5 members)
  • Operations & Engagement Manager
  • Marketing Officer
  • Nominated Academic staff (4 members)
  • School Administrator
  • Student EDI Reps