Dance Exercises - for Musical Theatre first-round auditions

For the dance element of the audition, you are asked to film yourself executing five short exercises as demonstrated in the videos below. We strongly recommend that you first complete a full warm-up before performing the exercises, and we have included some tips below to help. You may require two devices; one to watch the demonstration videos and one to record.

Please make sure you have enough space around you and that the floor surface that you are dancing on is clear of obstacles and is not too slippery. It will be taken into account if you do not have access to enough space and have to adjust accordingly.


You may already be experienced in knowing how to physically warm up but if not please follow this basic guideline from Koutedakis and Sharp (1999) The Fit and Healthy Dancer.

3 stages. 20 minutes.

It will begin with large, controlled, general movements that use the larger muscle groups. Keep moving and gradually increase the pace. Include spine and extremities, dynamic stretching (dance-specific movements), and gradually increase the range of motion.

Stage 1: 5 - 10 minutes 

  •  Activate cardiovascular system 
  •  Jogging 
  •  Running 
  •  Gentle stretches of large muscle groups

Stage 2: 10 - 15 minutes 

  •  Activate energy pathways, increase muscle temperature 
  •  Higher intensity jogging, running, dynamic direction change 
  •  Near full range muscle stretches
  •  Moderate levels of sweating

Stage 3: 5 - 10 minutes 

  •  Individual to you 
  •  Specific to your class/choreography 
  •  Concentrate on particular muscle groups, joints or injuries 
  •  May include practicing particular sequences or choreography 

Once you've uploaded your video to your chosen platform, please check that the video can be viewed and works normally.

There are notes under the title of each exercise - please read carefully before playing and filming yourself doing the exercises.

Try and frame yourself in the picture roughly the same way as one of our demonstrators is framed. 

Please use the dance audio tracks when you make your video recording. Click here for dance exercise recordings and here for dance audio tracks.


GSA is committed to being inclusive and supporting your needs. Please contact admissions if any of the dance exercises require adjustments to enable your participation