Jason Marc-Williams and Alistair Barron both trained at GSA and like many performers this time of year finds them in panto land.
Another December! That can only mean one thing! Another Panto!
Alistair Barron and I Jason Marc Williams, both GSA graduates, have formed a firm comedy panto partnership. For the last three years we have entertained children and parents alike, with our energetic, very silly sense of humour and received excellent reviews.
To date we have always played mother and son, with me donning the Panto Dame make-up each year. However, this year we are mixing things up a little and… for the first time ever Alistair Barron joins me in the Dame Make-up as we take on Ugly Sisters in Cinderella at The Southport Theatre, (Dec 15th - Jan 6th)
This year we are 'Back by Popular Demand' something we have joked about this for years. But it must be true, as is it says exactly that in large writing on the front on the theatre. Haha!
We both honestly cannot wait to start rehearsals. We are playing alongside Sam Kane, who is also directing this year. He is a panto legend and we hope to learn lots from him.
The audiences can expect our usual silly slapstick routines and lots of opportunities to Hiss and Boo us the very naughty, nasty sisters as we try and ruin Cinderella's day and scupper her trip to the Ball.
We have completed the photo shoot and our made-up faces are all over Social media. We definitely look like we are having way too much fun to be actually working at this for a living.
Although both Alistair and I both trained at GSA, Alistair started the year I left. Therefore, no-one could ever have predicted this partnership It wasn't until a midsummer’s afternoon back in 2014 when Alistair turned up to RADA Studios to audition for the role of my son in 'Jack and the Beanstalk' for the Courtyard Theatre. Hereford and we had an instant connection that the panto duo was born. Over three years on we still love performing together and do you know to this day, if I really try hard I can sometimes still find him funny to this Day. Ha ha!
In the theatre world, you don't often get to work with someone you admire and get on with so well, on such a regular basis but Alistair and I both look forward to our annual Christmas season together and really hope are still working as a comedy duo in another 20 years!
If you happen to be near Southport this December, Come and see us, and Tweet us to let us know you are in and we'll definitely give you a shout out. @Jasonmarc24 @AlistairBarron1
Jason Marc-Williams