Building on the SIP project – from coursework to the stage

2023 MA Acting graduates Liam Holmes and Michael Neri have both taken their final projects titled Wet Feet(by Michael Neri) and Mr Jones (by Liam Holmes) to the stage, gaining commercial success, great reviews and a nomination for an Off West End award!

Both shows started out as 30-minute performances as part of the final module for the MA Acting programme, the Sustained Independent Project (SIP), and feature other GSA graduates, with support from GSA staff. For the project, students create, write, produce and star in their own performance either for stage or film. The student has complete control over their own production, which provides them with a great opportunity to express their creative identity in their own unique way. Having platformed their project at GSA, the students then have the freedom to develop the work to take beyond the campus – and this is exactly what 2023 graduates have been doing – so far, five shows have emerged from the module, with more in the offing.

The 2-person show Wet Feet, featuring Michael Neri and Matthew Edgar (MFA Acting recent graduate), has now been nominated for an Off West End award for Duo Performance. Mr. Jones features Liam Holmes and Tanwen Stokes (MA Acting recent graduate). Michael and Liam have worked closely since graduating from GSA, guiding and supporting each other’s projects, with Michael directing Liam’s show Mr Jones and they have now formed their own company to help develop new projects.

Following Liam and Michael's success, other members of their cohort are now developing their own work out of their 2023 SIP projects, with some shows having already played to audiences.

Wet feet poster

Wet Feet by Michael Neri

Wet Feet had an initial concept run in London in October 2023, just one month after its inception at Guildford School of Acting. The show has just played a two-week off-West End run in London as well as being performed regionally. The show is heading to this year's Edinburgh Fringe festival. It has attracted several commercial producers and major London producing houses. The show is also in the early stages of development to be turned into a potential television series.

Following Michael's initial concept run in London, Wet Feet was praised as being "Highly impressive". Wet Feet has now received many 4- and 5-star reviews and amazing comments.


Mr Jones by Liam Holmes

Mr Jones had an initial concept run in London in January 2024, before embarking on a tour of Wales in March and April. The show has acquired phenomenal reviews and an overwhelming audience response. Following the tour, Mr Jones is being redeveloped and upscaled before the show returns to London in the coming months.

From its London debut to the Welsh Tour, Mr Jones has received an array of 4-star reviews:

“Theatrical Gold in the hands of Liam Holmes”, “Powerfully Personal” (London Grip)

“Nothing short of mesmerising”, “A testament to the power of theatre” (Institute of Welsh Affairs)

“Will be met with universal acclaim no matter where this is viewed.” (Get The Chance)

Mr Jones poster


Nu Pen Festival

A new festival is being developed by GSA graduates Liam Holmes and Michael Neri, offering graduating students and recent graduates a chance to develop their own writing and showcase them at a festival in a prestigious off West End venue.

Michael and Liam have worked very closely together following their time at Guildford School of Acting. They have pulled their experiences together in the hope of passing this knowledge to other aspiring writers and taking the stress and lengthy work needed to produce your own show out of the mix for new writers in order for them to concentrate on their writing and themselves.

Both have credible experience in making theatre. The platform is designed to alleviate all the stress of staging a production for the new writers with Michael and Liam taking both the financial and producing burden.

The festival will be a celebration of emerging theatre straight from drama school. Their goal is to showcase pieces that have been created by students in their final year of education; to provide a platform for artists to debut their work in London without any logistical or expense-related concerns.


Find out more about our MA Acting programme here.